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How to Stay Productive as a College Student

As college students, we all know that sometimes it may be difficult to stay productive. There are a countless number of distractions that can prevent us from being productive, ranging from scrolling on social media to watching hours of the newest T.V series on Netflix. Luckily, I have a few tips that can help you become a more productive person.

1. Don’t Do Homework in/on Your Bed

This is one of the biggest things I’ve struggled with as a college student wanting to be productive. Doing work in bed allows your body to have the same comfort as it does when you’re sleeping. This makes it easier to become tired, which can often result in falling asleep while doing homework. A more efficient place to work is a desk or organized area with good lighting; this can help you stay focused and make you less likely to put off your assignments.

2. Always Take a Break

Taking a break, especially when studying, can allow your mind and body to regroup so you can be more productive. Constantly working or studying allows your mind to know what you are doing, but most of the time it will not be able to fully process information since it needs to rest; this is the reason why most cram sessions fail to work. So instead of pulling an all-nighter, take a break and complete other small tasks so your mind can rest.

3. Manage Your Schedule

Having a schedule that is full yet unorganized can also further fuel the lack of productivity. Check out this site that has tools and other useful resources that will help you stay on top of being productive!

While you’re at it, check out this week’s top selling materials!

 ** Study Guide – MUS 3010 **

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