
English 8121. Digital Rhetoric

Syllabus    Schedule    Projects    Handouts

Coding Tutorials:
1. W3School HTML tutorials:
2. W3School CSS tutorials:
2. WordPress:
3. Comprehensive and official HTML5 guide:
4. HTML5 and CSS3 tutorials:


  • All assignments are due at the beginning of class time.
  • All assignments are to be emailed to me ( as an attachment.

This schedule is tentative. Deviations may be necessary.

WEEK 1. (8/24)
Weekly Tasks

  1. Course intro
  2. Intro to technology theories
  3. Setting up your web account
  4. HTML basics
  5. Intro to Web Analysis project


Assignments Due


WEEK 2. (8/31)
Weekly Tasks

  1. Reading presentation and discussion
  2. History of digital literacy
  3. Digital rhetoric: introduction
  4. Sample website analysis

  1. Selfe, Cynthia and Gail E. Hawisher. (2002). A historical look at electronic literacy: Implications for the education of technical communicatorsJournal of Business and Technical Communication, (16) 3, 231-276.
  2. Moran, Charles. (2003). Computers and composition 1983-2002: What we have hoped forComputers and Composition, (20) 4, 343-358.
  3. Eyman, Douglas. (2015). Digital rhetoric: theory, method, and practice. Ann Arbor, MI: Michigan University Press. (Introduction, pp. 1-11)


  1. Go over the following sections in W3School HTML tutorial: Introduction, Editors, Basics, Elements, Attributes, Headings, Paragraphs, Colors, Links, and Images
Assignments Due

  1. Setting up your web account
  2. Constructing your first page
WEEK 3. (9/7)
Weekly Tasks

  1. Reading presentation
  2. Defining digital rhetoric
  3. HTML: tables, lists, quotations, comments
  4. Portfolio homepage design
  5. Intro to Research Paper project

  1. Eyman, Douglas. (2015). Digital rhetoric: theory, method, and practice. Ann Arbor, MI: Michigan University Press. (Chapter 1. Defining and Locating Digital Rhetoric, pp. 12-60)
  2. Zappen, James. (2005). Toward An Integrated Theory of Digital Rhetoric. Technical Communication Quarterly 14, 3, pp. 319-325.


  1. Go over the following sections in W3School HTML tutorial: Tables, Lists, Quotations, and Comments
Assignments Due

WEEK 4. (9/14)
Weekly Tasks

  1. Reading presentation
  2. Digital rhetoric: theory
  3. CSS: Basic syntax
  4. Research paper: topic selection
  5. Portfolio: teaching philosophy

  1. Eyman, Douglas. (2015). Digital rhetoric: theory, method, and practice. Ann Arbor, MI: Michigan University Press. (Chapter 2. Digital Rhetoric: Theory, pp. 61-92)


  1. Go over the following sections in W3School CSS tutorial: Home, Introduction, Basics, and How to.
Assignments Due

  1. Topic  for your research paper
  2. Website Analysis
WEEK 5. (9/21)
Weekly Tasks

  1. Reading presentation
  2. Digital rhetoric: method
  3. CSS: Color, Background, Borders, and Margins
  4. Research paper: organization
  5. Portfolio: teaching (assignments, syllabi, student evaluation, etc.)

  1. Eyman, Douglas. (2015). Digital rhetoric: theory, method, and practice. Ann Arbor, MI: Michigan University Press. (Chapter 3. Digital Rhetoric: Method, pp. 93-111).


  1. Go over the following sections in W3School CSS tutorial: Color, Background, Borders, and Margins.
Assignments Due

WEEK 6. (9/28)
Weekly Tasks

  1. Reading presentation
  2. Digital rhetoric: practice
  3. CSS: Navigation Bar, Website Layout
  4. Portfolio: research (statement, papers, publications)

  1. Eyman, Douglas. (2015). Digital rhetoric: theory, method, and practice. Ann Arbor, MI: Michigan University Press. (Chapter 4. Digital Rhetoric: Practice, pp. 112-136)


  1. Go over the following sections in W3School CSS tutorial: Navigation Bar, Website Layout.
Assignments Due

WEEK 7. (10/5)
Weekly Tasks

  1. Reading presentation
  2. Digital rhetoric: delivery
  3. CSS: Rounded Corners, Backgrounds, Gradients, Columns
  4. Portfolio: sample works (for industry jobs)

  1. Porter, James. (2009). Recovering Delivery for Digital Rhetoric. Computers and Composition 26, pp. 207-224. 


  1. Go over the following sections in W3School CSS tutorial: Rounded Corners, Backgrounds, Gradients, Columns.
Assignments Due

WEEK 8. (10/12)
Weekly Tasks

  1. Reading presentation
  2. Digital rhetoric: media and message
  3. Portfolio: professional profile

  1. Haddock, Geoffrey, Colin Foad, Victoria Saul, Will Brown, & Rose Thompson. (2020). The Medium Can Influence the Message: Print Based versus Digital Reading Influences How People Process Different Types of Information. British Journal of Psychology, (111), 443-459
  2. Mateus, Samuel. (2021). Welcome to Media Rhetoric–Where Human Persuasion and Technological Means Collide. Southern Communication Journal, (86) 2, 165-174.

Assignments Due

WEEK 9. (10/19)
Weekly Tasks

  1. Reading presentation
  2. Digital rhetoric: digital publishing
  3. Portfolio: format design

  1. Eyman, Douglas, & Cheryl Ball. (2014). Composing for Digital Publication: Rhetoric, Design, Code. Composition Studies 42, 1, pp. 114-117. 
  2. Hawisher, Gail, & Cynthia Selfe. (2014). Evolving Digital Publishing Opportunities across Composition StudiesComposition Studies, (42) 1, 107-113.
  3. C. R.A.P. Principles of Graphic Design
  4. The Principle of Proximity in Web Design
  5. Basic Alignment Principle in Graphic Design
Assignments Due

  1. Research paper
WEEK 10. (10/26)
Weekly Tasks

  1. Reading presentation
  2. Digital rhetoric: content management
  3. Portfolio: format design

  1. Clark, Dave. (2008). Content management and separation of presentation and contentTechnical Communication Quarterly, 17(1), 35-60.
  2. Pullman, George, & Gu, Baotong. (2009). Introduction: Mapping out the Parameters of Content Management. In George Pullman & Baotong Gu (Eds.), Content management: Bridging the gap between theory and practice, (pp. 1-12). Amityville, NY: Baywood Press.
  3. The Use of Repetition in Design
  4. Using Contrast in Graphic Design and Page Layout
  5. Principles of Design: Contrast


Assignments Due

WEEK 11. (11/2)
Weekly Tasks

  1. Reading presentation
  2. Information architecture
  3. Portfolio: in-class work

  1. Altexsoft. How to Create Information Architecture for Web Design. Accessed on August 23, 2021. 
Assignments Due

WEEK 12. (11/9)
Weekly Tasks

  1. Reading presentation
  2. Layout
  3. Portfolio: editing

  1. Babich, Nick. (2019). Top Website Layouts That Never Grow Old.
Assignments Due

WEEK 13. (11/16)
Weekly Tasks

  1. Reading presentation
  2. Affordance
  3. Cohesion

  1. Tubik. (2018). UX Design Glossary: How to Use Affordances in User Interfaces.
Assignments Due

  1. Portfolio first draft
WEEK 14. (11/23)
Weekly Tasks

  1. Thanksgiving Break–No Classes


Assignments Due


WEEK 15. (11/30)
Weekly Tasks

  1. Course wrap-up


Assignments Due

  1. Portfolio final draft