南京药科大学2018暑期课程Business Writing 商务英语写作This course will introduce students to different genres of business writing, including but not limited to business memos, business letters, resumes, cover letters, reports, proposals, etc. At the same time, it will also teach students effective writing styles, persuasive writing, writing for the audience, writing within meaningful business contexts, writing for international audiences, etc. In teaching students how to write different types of business documents, this course will take into consideration Chinese students’ English proficiency levels and writing capacity and focus on improving students’ English writing while teaching them effective rhetorical skills. At the end of the course, students will be expected to write rather effective business documents in English and become cultural competent business writers. Business Writing deals with various issues involved in the business writing practice, such as audience, purpose, form, genres, conventions, and strategies. Our focus will be on how to design business communication products so that they are effective solutions to real communication problems. Business Writing has the following objectives:
有一定英语基础的学生在修完本课程后,其商务英语写作应该有明显的进步,应能较自如的应对各种商务英语文书的写作设计。 |