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Week Date Class Activity Assignment Due
1 01/10 T ·  Introduction to course: syllabus, projects, etc.
01/12 R ·   Readings—Intro to cross-cultural communication
Readings 1.     Hurn, Brian & Barry Tomalin. What Is Cross-Cultural Communication? In Brian Hurn & Barry Tomalin, Cross-Cultural Communication: Theory and Practice (pp. 1-19). London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

2.     Li, Mingsheng & Fay Patel. (2011). Overview of Intercultural Communication. In Fay Patel, Mingsheng Li, & Prahalad Sooknanan, Intercultural Communication: Building a Global Community (15-38). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

2 01/17 T ·   Readings—Culture: the danger of generalizations
01/19 R ·   Sample cross-cultural communication case analysis
Readings 3.     Lovitt, Carl R. (1999). Rethinking the Role of Culture in International Professional Communication. In Carl Lovitt with Dixie Goswami (Eds.), Exploring the Rhetoric of International Professional Communication (pp. 1-13). Amityville, NY: Baywood.

4.     Novinger, Tracy. (2001). What Constitutes a Culture? In Tracy Novinger, Intercultural Communication: A Practical Guide (pp. 12-25). Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.

5.     Moon, Dreama G. (2008). Concepts of “Culture”: Implications for Intercultural Communication Research. In Molefi Kete Asante, Yoshitaka Miike, & Jing Yin (Eds.), The Global Intercultural Communication Reader (pp. 11-26). New York, NY: Routledge.

3 01/24 T ·   Readings—Culture, rhetoric, and thought patterns
01/26 R ·   Cross-cultural communication case analysis (student presentation)
6.     Kaplan, Robert. (1966). Cultural Thought Patterns in Intercultural Education. Language Learning, 16 (1-2), 1-20.

7.     Rogers, Everett M., William B. Hart & Yoshitaka Miike. (2002). Edward T. Hall and the History of Intercultural Communication: The United States and Japan. Keio Communication Review, 24, 3-26.

4 01/31 T ·   Readings—Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions ·
02/02 R ·   Cross-cultural communication case analysis (student presentation) ·
8.     Marieke de Mooij and Geert Hofstede. (2010). The Hofstede Model: Applications to Global Branding and Advertising Strategy and Research. International Journal of Advertising 29 (1), 85-110.

9.     Kermally, Sultan. (2005). Chapter Thirteen: Geert Hofstede (1928-). In Sultan Kermally, Gurus on People Management (pp. 97-100).

10.   Bourne, Jennifer Shuying. (2016). Exploring Intercultural Communication Challenges: A Case Study on Chinese-English Interpreting. China Media Research, 12 (1), 14-24.

5 02/07 T ·  Readings—Black and African Rhetorics ·  Initial proposal
02/09 R ·  Cross-cultural communication case analysis (student presentation) ·
11.   Langmia, Kehbuma & Aitza M Haddad Nunez. (2015). Cultural and Rhetorical Traditions of Communication within African / Black Thinking. The International Communication Gazette, 77 (5), 471-486.

12.   Tomaselli, Keyan. (2016). Ubuntu and Intercultural Communication: Power, Inclusion and Exclusion. Intercultural Communication Studies, XXV (2), 1-13.

6 02/14 T ·   Readings—Hungarian, Romania, Middle Eastern Rhetorics
02/16 R ·   Cross-cultural communication case analysis (student presentation)
13.   Horvath, Gizela & Rozalia Klara Bako. (2016). Online Artistic Activism: Case Study of Hungarian-Romania Intercultural Communication. COACTIVITY: Philosophy, Communication, 24 (1), 48-58.

14.   Meyer, Erin. (December 2015). Getting to Si, Jia, Oui, Hai and Da: How to Negotiate across Cultures. Harvard Business Review, 74-80.

7 02/21 T ·   Readings—Mexican Rhetoric ·
02/23 R ·   Cross-cultural communication case analysis (student presentation)
15.   Novinger, Tracy. (2001). The Mexico-United States Cultural Environment. In Tracy Novinger, Intercultural Communication: A Practical Guide (pp. 77-105). Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.

16.   Novinger, Tracy. (2001). Some Mexico-United States Cultural Issue. In Tracy Novinger, Intercultural Communication: A Practical Guide (pp. 106-123). Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.

8 02/28 T ·   Readings—Chinese rhetoric
03/02 R ·   Cross-cultural communication case analysis (student presentation) ·
17.   Chen, Ling. (2016). Learning the Culture of a People: Chinese Communication as an Example. Intercultural Communication, XXV (1), 53-65.

18.   Gu, Baotong. (2009). Introduction: (De)Mystifying the Chinese Culture. In Baotong Gu, From Oracle bones to Computers: The Emergence of Writing Technologies in China (pp. 3-23). West Lafayette, IN: Parlor Press.

9 03/07 T ·   Readings—Cross-cultural communication competency
03/09 R ·   Cross-cultural communication case analysis (student presentation) ·
19.   De Costa, Peter I. (2016). Constructing the Global Citizen: An ELF Perspective. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, 26 (2), 238-259.

20.   Andreyeva, Olga, Sholpan K. Tuleubyeva, Anna A. Ganyukova, & Zhuldyz M. Tentekbayeva. (2016). Creoss-Cultural Communication as a Way of Achievement of Cross-Cultural Communicative Competence. European Researcher, 92 (3), 208-213.

21.   Xiao, Xiaosui. (2014). Constructing Common Ground for Cross-Cultural Communication. China Media Research, 10 (4), 1-9.

10 03/14 T Spring Break—No Classes
03/16 R
11 03/21 T ·   Readings—Cross-cultural communication case studies
03/23 R ·   Cross-cultural communication case analysis (student presentation) ·   Progress report
22.   Toegel, Ginka & Jean-Louis Barsoux. (June 8, 2016). 3 Situations Where Cross-Cultural Communication Breaks Down. Harvard Business Review, 2-4.

23.   Akcay, Deniz & Bagcan Sarp. (2016). Intercultural Communication and Crisis Management: Ikea Case Study. Global Media Journal TR Edition, 7 (13), 169-187.

24.   Ngwira, Flemmings Fishani, Harold Wilson Tumwitike Mapoma, Jianzhong Hong, Sunawan Sariyo, & Wellman Kondowe. (2015). Intercultural Communication Competence and Acculturation among International Students in Central China. Intercultural Communication Studies, XXIV (2), 61-83.

12 03/28 T ·   Readings—Technology and cross-cultural communication
03/30 ·   Cross-cultural communication case analysis (student presentation)
25.   Astvatsaturova, Maya Artashesovna & Elvira Dmitrievna Kondrakova. (2016). Technologies of Intercultural Communication, Interethnic Relations and Civil Participation Competences Formation among Students: Regional Aspect. Global Media Journal, S3 (02), 1-10.

26.   Musambira, George & Jonathan Matusitz. (2015). Communication Technology and Culture: Analyzing Selected Cultural Dimensions and Human Development Indicators. International Journal of Technology Management & Sustainable Development, 14 (1), 17-28.

13 04/04 T ·   Readings—Social media and cross-cultural communication
04/06 R ·   Cross-cultural communication case analysis (student presentation) ·
27.   Tombleson, B., & Wolf, K. (2016). Rethinking the circuit of culture: How participatory culture has transformed cross-cultural communication. Public Relations Review, 1-12.

28.   Yang, K. C., & Kang, Y. (2015). Exploring Big Data and Privacy in Strategic Communication Campaigns: A Cross-Cultural Study of Mobile Social Media Users’ Daily Experiences. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 9 (2), 87-101.

14 04/11 T ·   Final project—oral progress report
04/13 R ·   Final project—peer review
15 04/18 T ·   Final project—individual work on final paper oral presentations
04/20 R ·   Final project—individual work on final paper oral presentations ·   Final project


This schedule is tentative. Deviations may be necessary.

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