Here are the major projects in this course. You must complete all projects satisfactorily in order to receive a passing grade for the course. Here is a brief description of each major project. For more detailed instructions on each project, click on the links.
Reading Responses (200 points)
For each week’s assigned readings, you will be required to submit a 500-word written response, due the Sunday before. Each response should contain
- A succinct one-paragraph summary of the readings
- Your reflection on 2-3 key concepts/issues/ideas/arguments in the readings
- At least two good discussion questions related to the issues in the readings
Your reading response will be graded on the following:
- It demonstrates your familiarity with the readings.
- It contains logical, well thought-out statements/arguments on the issues raised in the readings.
- It makes logical connections between the readings.
- It contains all the elements outlined above.
I’m more interested in your thoughts on the issues than your ability to summarize the readings.
Discussion Facilitation (100 points)
For this project, you’ll pick a particular week’s readings and will be responsible for leading the discussions on these readings in class. As the discussion facilitator, your main role is to identify the main issues and arguments in the readings, help your classmates reach a better understanding of these readings, and ask thought-provoking questions along the way to facilitate in-depth understandings of these texts.
Your reading response for this group of readings should be more detailed (about two pages).
Here’s the presentation schedule:
Week | Readings | Case Presentation |
2 | Ron | |
3 | Xiaobo | Xiaobo |
4 | Kristeen | Kristeen |
5 | Lin | |
6 | Beth | Beth |
7 | Grant | Grant |
8 | Hayes | Hayes |
9 | Lin | Kathryn |
10 | Spring Break | |
11 | Yunye | Yunye |
12 | Meng | Meng |
13 | Kathryn | |
14 | ||
15 |
Cross-Cultural Communication Case Analysis (300 points)
For this project, each of you will identify a recent international cross-cultural communication incident, analyze the use of rhetorical strategies used in the incident for cross-cultural communication purposes, and assess the effectiveness of such strategies. Each of you will pick a particular day for your presentation of this case. On the day of the presentation, you’ll act as a discussion facilitator and will do the following: summarizing the case scenario, presenting the main rhetorical points, and lead class discussions with well-designed questions.
You’re also required to write a reflective essay on this case. Your reflective essay is due on April 6.
Final Project (400 points)
For your final project, you have several options:
- Option 1. Academic research paper (10-20 pages, single spaced)—For this option, you’ll write a paper to be submitted to a particular journal for publication.
- Option 2. Annotated bibliography (30-40 citations)—This bibliography will focus on a specific theme related to global rhetorics or cross-cultural communication.
- Option 3. Literature review (10-15 pages, single spaced)—This too will focus on a specific theme related to global rheetorics or cross-cultural communication.
- Option 4. Pedagogical application/syllabus design—For this option, you will design an elaborate syllabus for an undergraduate course entitled “Cross-Cultural Communication.” You will also design a series of assignments for this course with detailed assignment instructions. Accompanying all this, you will also write a justification why you have designed the particular syllabus and assignments the way you did.
For any of these project options, you’re welcome to make it a collaborative project by partnering with any of your classmates.
Whatever option you choose, your final project will consist of the following components:
- Initial Proposal (50 points)—This will be a one-page proposal in which you inform me what option you have chosen for the final project, what topic your final project will be about, and your justification for doing such a project.
- Progress Report—About two thirds into the semester, you’ll be asked to present a progress report on the final project.
- Final Product (300 points)—This will be the product of whatever option you have chosen and is due at the end of the semester.
- Oral Presentation (50 points)—You’ll present your final project in the final week of the semester.