Syllabus Schedule Projects Handouts Discussion Forum
English 8115 Schedule
- All assignments are due at the beginning of class time.
- All assignments are to be emailed to me ( as an attachment.
This schedule is tentative. Deviations may be necessary.
WEEK 1. (1/13) |
Weekly Tasks
Assignments Due
WEEK 2. (1/20) |
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Assignments Due
WEEK 3. (1/27) |
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Assignments Due
WEEK 4. (2/3) |
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WEEK 5. (2/10) |
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Assignments Due
WEEK 6. (2/17) |
Weekly Tasks
Assignments Due
WEEK 7. (2/24) |
Weekly Tasks
Assignments Due
WEEK 8. (3/3) |
Weekly Tasks
Readings (Liping)
Assignments Due
WEEK 9. (3/10) |
Weekly Tasks
Readings (Fikko)
Assignments Due
WEEK 10. (3/17) |
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Assignments Due
WEEK 11. (3/24) |
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WEEK 12. (3/31) |
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Assignments Due
WEEK 13. (4/7) |
Weekly Tasks
Assignments Due
WEEK 14. (4/14) |
Weekly Tasks
Reading (Jennifer)
Assignments Due
WEEK 15. (4/21) |
Weekly Tasks
Assignments Due
WEEK 16. (4/28) |
Weekly Tasks
Assignments Due
ENGL 8115 Readings
Historical Perspectives
- Kimball, Miles A. (2017). The Golden Age of Technical Communication. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, 47(3), 330–358. (Reading1-Kimball)
- Tebeaux, Elizabeth. (2017). Whatever Happened to Technical Writing. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, 47(1), 3-21. (Reading2-Tebeaux)
Field identity
- Miller, Carolyn R. (1979). A Humanistic Rationale for Technical Writing. College English, 40(6), 610-617. (Reading3-Miller)
- Tebeaux, Elizabeth. (1980). Let’s Not Ruin Technical Writing, Too: A Comment on the Essays of Carolyn Miller and Elizabeth Harris. College English, 41(7), 822-825. (Reading4-TebeauxResponse)
- Miller, Carolyn R. (1980). Carolyn Miller Responds. College English, 41(7), 825-827. (Reading5-MillerResponse)
- Miller, Carolyn R. (1989). What’s practical about technical writing. In Berti E. Fearing and W Keats Sparrow (Eds.), Technical Writing: Theory and Practice (pp14-24). (Reading6-Miller)
- Tebeaux, Elizabeth. (1989). The high-tech workplace: Implications for technical communication instruction. In B. E. Fearing and W. K. Sparrow (Eds.), Technical writing: Theory and Practice (pp. 136-144). New York, NY: MLA. (Reading7-Tebeaux)
Theoretical evolutions
- Faigley, Lester. (1986). Competing theories of process: A critique and a proposal. College English, 48 (6), 527-542. (Reading8-Faigley)
- Bruffee, Kenneth A. (1986). Social construction, language, and the authority of knowledge: A bibliographical essay. College English, 48 (8), 773-790. (Reading9-Bruffee)
Social and postmodern perspectives
- Wilson, Greg & Wolford, Rachel. (2017). Technical communicator as (postmodern) discourse worker. Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 31(1), 3-29. (Reading10-WilsonWolford)
- Thralls, Charlotte & Blyler, Nancy Roundy. (1993). The social perspective and pedagogy in technical communication. Technical Communication Quarterly, 2 (3), 249-269. (Reading11-ThrallsBlyler)
Scope and competency
- Hart-Davidson, William. (2001). On writing, technical communication, and information technology: The core competencies of technical communication. Technical Communication, 48(2), 145-155. (Reading12-HartDavidson)
- Jones, N. N., Moore, K. R., & Walton, R. (2016). Disrupting the past to disrupt the future: An antenarrative of technical communication. Technical Communication Quarterly, 25(4), 211-229. (Reading13-JonesMooreWalton)
- Blythe, S., Lauer, C., & Curran, P. G. (2014). Professional and technical communication in a web 2.0 world. Technical Communication Quarterly, 23(4), 265-287. (Reading14-BlytheLauerCurran)
Content management
- Barker, Deane. (2016). Chapter 1. What content management is (and isn’t). In Deane Barker, Web Content Management. O’Reilly Media.
- Andersen, Rebekka. (2014). Rhetorical work in the age of content management: Implications for the field of technical communication. Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 28(2), 115-157. (Reading16-Andersen)
- Pullman, George, & Gu, Baotong. (2008). Guest editors’ introduction: Rationalizing and rhetoricizing content management. Technical Communication Quarterly, 17(1), 1-9. (Reading17-PullmanGu-TCQ)
- Clark, Dave. (2008). Content management and separation of presentation and content. Technical Communication Quarterly, 17(1), 35-60. (Reading18-Clark)
Global content management
- Batova, Tatiana. (2014). Component content management and quality of information products for global audiences: An integrative literature review. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 57(4), 325-339. (Reading19-Batova)
- Halvorso, Kristina. (2011). Content strategy and UX: A modern love story. UX Magazine:
Visual design
- Watzman, Susanne. (2012). Visual design principles for usable interfaces. In Andrew Sears & Julie A. Jacko (Eds.), The Human-Computer Interaction Handbook: Fundamentals, Evolving Technologies, and Emerging Applications, 3rd Edition (pp. 263-285).
- Barton, Ben F., & Barton, Marthalee S. (1993). Ideology and the map: Toward a postmodern visual design practice. In Nancy Roundy Blyler & Charlotte Thralls (Eds.), Professional Communication: The social perspective (pp. 49-78). Newbury Park, CA: Sage. (Reading22-BartonBarton)
Usability, UX, etc.
- Carliner, Saul. (2003). Characteristic-based, task-based, and results-based: Three value systems for assessing professionally produced technical communication products. Technical Communication Quarterly, 12(1), 83-100. (Reading23-Carliner)
- Bacha, Jeffery. (2018). Mapping use, storytelling, and experience design: User-network tracking as a component of usability and sustainability. Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 32(2), 198-228. (Reading24-Bacha)
Affordances and interface design
- Schneider C., Weinmann, M, & Vom Brocke, J. (2018). Digital nudging: Guiding online user choices through interface design. Communications of The ACM, 61(7), 67-73. (Reading25-WeinmannVomBrocke)
- Gu, Baotong, & Yu, Meng. (2016). East meets west on flat design: Convergence and divergence in Chinese and American user interface design. Technical Communication, 63(3), 231-247. (Reading26-GuYu)
- Flach, J. M., Stappers, P. J., & Voorhorst, F. A. (2017). Beyond affordances: Closing the generalization gap between design and cognitive science. Design Issues, 33(1), 76-89. (Reading27-Affordances)
- Welwema, Josephine. (2015). The art of storytelling: A pedagogy for proposal writing. Writing and Pedagogy, 7(1), 15-38. (Reading28-Walwema)
- Santos, Marc C., & McIntyre, Megan M. (2016). Toward a technical communication made whole: Disequilibrium, creativity, and postpedagogy. Composition Forum, 33. (Reading29-SantosMcIntyre)
- Schneider, Stephen. Usable pedagogies: Usability, rhetoric, and sociocultural pedagogy in the technical writing classroom. Technical Communication Quarterly, 14(4), 447-467. (Reading30-Schneider)