English 3120 Reading Responses
Textbook for Your Reading Responses
Lynch, Patrick J. and Horton, Sarah. Web Style Guide: Basic Design Principles for Creating Web Sites. Yale University Press. ISBN 978-0-300-13737-8.
This assignment requires you to read the textbook above, summarize each section, and respond to one of the issues/principles that interest you.
Read the Chapter
This book contains helpful information on design principles and standards every web designer should be familiar with. For each chapter, read all the sections and take some notes.
Content of Your Response
Your response should include two parts: 1) summary of each section and 2) response to one of the issues covered in the chapter.
Each chapter contains several sections. For example, Chapter 2, Universal Usability, contains the following five sections:
- A basis for universal usability
- Sidebar: Universal design principles
- Universal usability guidelines
- Universal usability in the design process
- Sidebar: The development cycle
For your summary, list the heading of each section and give a one-or-two-sentence summary of each of these sections.
For your response, pick one issue out of the entire chapter that interests you: something that you really take to heart, or something you might disagree with, or something you have questions about. Then write a response of 50-100 words.
Post Your Response
Post your response to the Reading Responses page you have created.
Formatting Your Responses
Format your responses as follows:
Reading ResponsesChapter 2. Universal Usability Sidebar: Universal design principles Universal usability guidelines Universal usability in the design process Sidebar: The development cycle My Response |
Length: your summary/response should be somewhere between 100 and 300 words.