Syllabus Schedule Projects Handouts
Here, you’ll find handouts, samples, instructions, etc.
Here’s the html quiz we had on Feb. 19. You can check out the html code if you’re interested.
Resume vs. Cover Letter: the Rhetoric of the Design
A highlight of some of the key aspects concerning the design of the two types of documents.
Resume Samples: Poor and Mixed Design.
Here’re some resume samples that are mostly poorly designed. However, some are relatively better designed than others.
Resume Samples: Good Design.
Here’re some resume samples of relatively good design. Note, though, that no resume is perfect, and you can always find some inadequacies in design.
Sample Cover Letter 1: Poor Design
This first letter is vague, makes general claims about his qualifications, and provides no specific details to support his claims.
Sample Cover Letter 2: Better Design
This second letter is a revision of the first one. It’s relatively more specific, more on the target, and provides concrete support for his claims about his credentials.
Letter Openings and Closings: Good and Bad
This document contains some sample letter openings and closings. Some are bood, and some are bad. Use your own judgment to see which one might work and which one might not.
Final Project Ideas
Here you can find a list of all the final project ideas and the groups. If you don’t have a group yet, you can browse through these ideas and tell me which group you would like to join.
Web Pages That Suck
There is actually a website named “Web Pages That Suck” ( Following are some of the links provided on that site as examples of “web pages that suck”:
Presidential Ballots
It’s interesting to take a look at the ballots used in presidential elections from the document design point of view.
The Infamous Butterfly Ballot from 2000
The Broken Arrow Ballot from 2004
Individual Conference Schedule for the Online Portfolio Project
Check out the schedule for your conference with me. If you wish to make any changes, let me know.