8175 Reading Responses
This assignment gives you a chance to share your insights about different issues that come up in your readings.
Content of the Responses
Each week, a number of readings are required for the course. While all of these readings will be discussed in class, I believe a written response will give you a better chance to express your thoughts of depths on some of the important issues raised in these articles. It will also better prepare you for class discussions.
Each response should contain
- A succinct one-paragraph summary of the readings
- Your reflection on 2-3 key concepts/issues/ideas/arguments in the readings
- At least two good discussion questions related to the issues in the readings
Your reading response will be graded on the following:
- It demonstrates your familiarity with the readings.
- It contains logical, well thought-out statements/arguments on the issues raised in the readings.
- It makes logical connections between the readings.
- It contains all the elements outlined above.
Here’re some general guidelines for the written responses:
- Each response should relate to the group of readings for a particular day.
- Each written response should focus on your thoughts and reflections on one or more of the major issues raised in the article. (Remember, I’m more interested in your perspectives on the issues than your ability to summarize your articles.)
- The length of the response is not as important as the depth of your response.
- Each response is due the day before the class in which the reading will be discussed.
Turning in Your Response
Email your response to me (bgu@gsu.edu) as a Word attachment.