Final Project–Initial Proposal

This initial proposal gives you a chance to tell me as much as you can about this potential project and the potential client.

The basic purpose of your proposal is to seek my approval of your final project. Therefore, the general criteria I will use to judge your proposal will be as follows:

  • Whether the project involves an appropriate level of complexity
  • Whether it’s doable within the time frame of our spring quarter
  • Whether information needed will be readily accessible
  • Whether this project will benefit both you and your client in a significant way

Content & Organization
It is up to you how you want to design your initial proposal. However, it should cover at least the following aspects:

Overview–State clearly the purpose of your memo. Don’t start your memo with a description of your project at the very beginning. You can describe the project after you have stated your purpose.

Proposal and Your Client–Describe what type of proposal you will be writing: consulting proposal, sales proposal, research proposal, or service proposal, etc. If you are not sure what type of proposal yours will be, don’t worry. Just discuss the rest. I’ll figure out for you what type of proposal it is. Also, describe whom you will be writing the proposal for (your client, not the audience of your final proposal). Give me the appropriate background about the organization you’ll be representing.

Your Project–Describe what project it is that you will be proposing or that your proposal will be involved with. You may not have all the details at this point, but try to provide as much information as you can.

Audience/The Funding Source–Depending on the project, describe the audience of your proposal/your customer/the funding source. If it’s a consulting proposal, tell me to which company you will be potentially providing the consulting service. In other words, to whom will you submit the proposal? If it’s a service proposal, describe the possible funding source(s) for this project. If there are multiple sources and you haven’t decided which one to apply to, then specify the funding agency that you think you will most likely submit your proposal to. If you already know which agency to apply to, describe this agency. If you have their RFP (request for proposal) already, describe it.

Likely Research Methods and Sources–does this project require a reasonable amount of research? What types of research do you imagine needing to be done?

Your Qualifications to Do the Project–Discuss why you believe you will be able to complete the project. In other words, provide such relevant information as the deadline of the project, your access to your client and the information you will need for writing the proposal, your knowledge about the project, possible research that will be involved and how you will conduct it, etc. Include a possible project schedule if you can.

Your Project Plan–include a detailed plan that divides the project into main stages and tasks.

Conclusion–provide a persuasive summarizing statement about why I should approve your project.

Here’re some technical details about this initial proposal:

Audience–Your instructor (that’s me)

Purpose–To persuade me to accept and approve your proposal, so be persuasive!

Format–Memo format, single spaced, font size no bigger than 12 for the body, with appropriate headings

Length–1-2 pages

Final Name–“initial(YourLastName).doc”


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