The purpose of this profile is for you to better know yourself and better know what you want and what you are capable of or qualified for. Sometimes, people may think they know what they want when they really don’t. Or even though they do know what they want, they don’t necessarily know what they are qualified for. Or even though they may know what they are qualified for, they may not necessarily know how to market themselves and answer the question in their resume or portfolio why he or she is the one amid hundreds of applicants. Hopefully, this professional profile will help you answer this question, at least to some extent. At the same time, it will also guide you in designing the content for your online portfolio.
Your profile could be designed in many different ways. Here’s a list of suggested components just for your reference:
- Your Major: Just list your major, plain and simple.
- Your Long-term Career Goal: Describe the ideal job you want in a short phrase.
- Your Short-term Career Goal: Describe the kind of jobs you can realistically get at this point.
- Your Personality: Why personality? What does that have to do with your job search? Everything. Have you noticed that a lot of job ads contain phrases and key words that describe the kind of personality they are looking for in their candidate: patient, understanding, energetic, etc.? Describe those aspects of your personality that will enhance or help you with your job performance. Use only noun or adjective phrases.
- Your Skills: Describe all your relevant skills, again in short phrases. Think of your skills in different categories: professional skills, communication skills, computer skills, leadership skills, etc.
- Your Outstanding Qualities: What are outstanding qualities? Being a Nobel Prize winner? The CEO of a Fortune 500 company? The most talented artist in the world? If you’re like me or the person sitting next to you, chances are you don’t have nationally or internationally recognized qualities, although I’m one hundred percent sure you’re going to be famous someday. Your outstanding qualities are what sets up apart from other applicants? If you don’t have overly impressive qualifications, think in terms of your uniqueness. In what way are you different from others? List all you can think of. Again, use short phrases only.
- Summary: I’m not talking about your typical composition paper conclusion. Rather, if you can tell your potential employer only one thing and nothing else (no resume, no portfolio, absolutely nothing else), what would that be? Use only a short phrase with no more than 20 words.