English 4320 Project
Since your capstone project is a designated CTC (College to Career) assignment, you’re required to upload this assignment into Portfolium. Along with the assignment, you’re also required to write and upload a CTC Reflection.
Here’re the questions to answer in (and thus components of) your CTC reflection:
What is the rhetorical context for the project?
Describe, in a concise paragraph or two, the following: the project (what it is exactly), the audiences, the purposes, any special considerations, any constraints, etc.
Which aspects of the assignment helped you prepare you for the workplace?
To answer this question, think in terms of the kind of responsibilities required at the workplace and how the different aspects of the assignment prepare you for such duties or responsibilities.
What career skills did you use?
Think in terms of the skills required to complete this project: rhetorical skills, leadership skills, management skills, computer skills, teamwork skills, etc.
What strengths did the assignment help you to develop further?
Check the skills mentioned above to see what particular areas of your expertise were further developed or strengthened.
What weaknesses did the assignment reveal?
There’s always something to be desired, isn’t there? Be straightforward about it.
What kinds of assignments or tasks would help you further develop your career competencies?
You can describe an ideal assignment or set of tasks that would help you further develop your career competency.