
Academic Writing Schedule

Day In-Class Activity Assignments Due
7/12 F ·  Welcome and introduction (ppt)
·  Syllabus
·  Introduction to academic writing
·  Freshman Composition I
·  Freshman Composition II
·  Writing practice: self introduction
·  Student oral self introduction
·  Intro to Project 1, Grammar Presentation
·  Forming groups; group work on topic selection for grammar presentation
7/13 S ·  Watch Scottish elevator video
·  Cultural thought patterns (ppt)
·  Rhetorical context (audience, purpose, etc.)
·  Persuasive appeals: ethos, pathos, and logos (pp. 24-28)
·  Designing presentations (lesson 3 ppt)
·  Academic writing language
·  Group work on grammar presentation
·  Exercise 1—Topic sentences
7/15 M ·  Arguments: fallacies (ch. 6)
·  15 common logical fallacies
·  Arguments: types (chs. 7-12)
·  Arguments: evaluations
·  Exercise 2-Building paragraphs
·  Group work on grammar presentation
7/16 T ·  Intro to Project 2, Review (assignment instructions)
·  Writing summaries and reviews (Lesson 4 ppt)
·  Sample summary and review analysis
·  How to write summaries
·  Movie review samples
·  How to write an article review
·  Book review samples
·  Small group brainstorming: review topics
·  Group work on grammar presentation
7/17 W ·  Student grammar presentation
·  Sample summary and review analysis continued
·  Developing a thesis statement for your review
·  Practice writing your thesis statement
·  Group work on review project
·  Exercise 3–Linking
7/18 R ·  Student grammar presentation
·  Peer editing methods
·  Peer editing of reviews
·  Style in arguments (ch. 13)
·  Style and word choice
·  Sentence structure and argument
·  Punctuation and argument
·  Group work on review assignment
7/19 F ·  Student grammar presentation
·  Visual rhetoric (ch. 14)
·  Visuals and pathos
·  Visuals and ethos
·  Visuals and logos
·  Sample visual analysis
Review 1st draft
7/20 S ·  Student grammar presentation
·  Intro to Project 3, Annotated Bibliography (Lesson 5 ppt)
·  Sample annotated bibliography
·  Using sources (ch. 20)
·  Paraphrasing sources
·  Summarizing sources
·  Citing sources
·  Framing sources
·  Using sources to support arguments
Review final draft 
7/22 M ·  Student grammar presentation
·  Documenting sources (ch. 22)
·  MLA vs APA documentation styles
·  MLA documentation styles
·  APA documentation styles
·  Sample annotated bibliography
·  Documentation practice
7/23 T ·  Student grammar presentation
·  Introduction to project 4, Research Paper (lesson 6 ppt)
·  Selecting your topic
·  Brainstorming on topic selection
·  Developing your research questions
·  Group work on developing research questions
·  Research methodology
7/24 W ·  Student grammar presentation
·  Academic arguments (ch. 17)
·  Developing academic arguments
·  Group work on developing arguments for research paper
Annotated bibliography final draft  
7/25 R ·  Student grammar presentation
·  Developing your thesis (Lesson 7 ppt)
·  Group work on developing your thesis
7/26 F ·  Student grammar presentations
·  Sample research paper analysis
·  Organizing your paper (Lesson 7 ppt)
·  Group work on research paper
7/27 S ·  Writing style (Lesson 8 ppt)
·  Group work on research paper
7/29 M ·  Document design
·  Documenting your sources (works cited list)
·  Editing your research paper
Research paper final draft due 
7/30 T ·  Applying to graduate school in the U.S.