Week 2 Module—Tables, Images, Formatting, quotations, comments, and blocks
Learning Objectives
- To learn to incorporate images in your web design
- To learn to build different kinds of tables
- To learn and research about web design concepts
- To learn to use appropriate format for different elements
- To learn to use quotation functions
- To learn and respond to web design concepts
Web Style Guide provides a rather comprehensive guide on different aspects of web design. Reading the chapters is essential to a good understanding of the design process and the crucial elements that make a web site “work.”
Task 1–Insert an Image on Your Homepage
- Go to W3school’s HTML tutorial and go through the following sections:
- HTML Images
- HTML Tables
- HTML Formatting
- HTML Quotations
- HTML Comments
- HTML Blocks
- On your 3120 homepage, insert an image of yourself in an appropriate location.
Task 2–Complete Your Reading Responses for Chapters 3 and 4 of Web Style Guide
- Read Web Style Guide Chapters 3 and 4 and complete your reading responses. Please note that you need to complete a separate reading response for each chapter.
- Post your reading responses to the Reading Response page.
Task 3–Complete Your Focal Point Analysis Assignment
- Read my instructions on the Focal Point Analysis assignment.
- Create a new page and name it “Focal Point Analysis.”
- Post your analysis to the Focal Point Analysis page you just created.
- Link your Focal Point Analysis page to your English 3120 Homepage.
Task 4–Start Planning for Your Final Project
- Read my instructions on the Final Project/Online Portfolio.
- Decide on the type of job you would target.
- Start gathering materials for your final project/online portfolio, such as resume, bio, writing or other work samples.