Week 9

Week 9 –CSS Part 4: Responsive Web Design

Learning Objectives

  • To learn to work with more advanced CSS style elements to design responsive web pages
  • To learn and respond to web design concepts


  1. Go to W3school’s CSS tutorials CSS Responsive and go through the following sections:
    RWD Intro
    RWD Viewpoint
    RWD Grid View
    RWD Media Queries
    RWD Images
    RWD Videos
    RWD Frameworks
    RWD Templates
  2. Complete this week’s reading response on Web Style Guide and post it to your Reading Responses page.
  3. Complete your Website Analysis project.
  4. Create a new page and name it “Website Analysis” in the title field.
  5. Post your website analysis to this page.
  6. Link this Website Analysis page to your homepage.