English 8123 Projects
For this assignment, you will identify a website that has one or more aspects extremely well done and justify in rhetorical terms why you think this is an excellent design. There’re two parts to this assignment: a written report and a brief oral presentation.
Written Report
You can certainly pick any site you like. The only requirement is that there’s one or more aspects of the design that you think are extremely well done. Keep in mind we’re not looking for something that’s “pretty good,” but “really (or extremely) well done and effective.” This aspect(s) can be any aspect(s) of web design, for example,
- overall content design
- audience awareness
- ethos
- interactivity
- navigation
- color scheme
- layout
- typography
- use of graphics
- …
Design your justification report in the memo format. In the subject heading, put the name and url of the website you’re critiquing. Your report should contain at least the following components:
- An overview of your report
- Background information about website
- A brief description of the website: its content, its intended audience, and its intended purposes
- Analysis of the design aspect(s) that you think are extremely well done. Use rhetorical and design terms in your analysis as much as you can. You may compare this site with other sites to highlight its effective design.
- Conclusion
Part 2. Oral Presentation
You will do a short (5-minute) presentation in class, showcasing the particular site you have picked and explain to your classmates why you think this particular aspect is really well designed.
Some Technicalities
You have two options for turning in your project:
Option 1–Email Me a Regular Word Document
- The report should be 1-3 pages, single spaced.
- Save your file as “Justification(YourLastNameYourFirstName)” e.g., “Justification(SmithJohn).”
- Email the file as an attachment to me at bgu@gsu.edu.
Option 2–Post It on Your Website
- Create this analysis/justification as a separate page in your web account.
- Link it to your 8123 homepage.