White Paper

English 8123 Project—White Paper

A white paper is an informative report that provides a concise summary of a complex issue to guide the audience’s understanding and perspective on the issue. This assignment allows you a chance to do research on an issue that’s of interest to you and get familiar with its main principles, as well as its history and background, etc.

The Topic
You may choose any topic related to web design. For example, you may pick any of the concepts that are hyperlinked in our schedule. Of course, feel free to choose your own topic. Be sure to check with me before getting started.

This assignment has two parts:

Part I. The Online Paper (100 Points)

  • Format: digital presentation on your website, appropriate format design.
  • Turn in: Link to your paper on your homepage, and I’ll check your site when it’s due.
  • Length: no particular requirement. If this were a print paper, I would say 1,500-2,500 words. However, since we’re talking about the online format, I would encourage you to be creative and not to worry too much about length.

The main purpose of a white paper is to “help readers understand an issue, solve a problem, or make a decision” (Wikipedia). It typically is a rather comprehensive report. Your white paper should cover the following, with a focus more on the last two aspects:

  • Definition: what the term means, what it entail…
  • History: where the term originated, how the term evolved…
  • Background: anything relevant that’s essential to understanding the term
  • Major principles/aspects: what are the major principles, aspects, tenets of the concept
  • Application in digital media production: if the term originated from a different field and was later adopted in digital rhetoric, explain how it may be applied in digital media production

When designing your paper online, I strongly encourage you to be creative and to break away from the linear, print mode. Feel free to include images and links. Your format design (navigation, layout, typography, etc.) should suit the digital medium.

Part II. Oral Presentation/Tutorial (100 Points)
For this part, you’ll present your research findings more in the form of a tutorial in which you “teach” your classmates what the concept is and how to apply it in web design. Try to avoid the lecture format or avoid using it excessively; instead, make it interactive and make it interesting. You may utilize any form of presentation: explaining, discussion, quiz, Q&A, etc. Be creative. 

  • Length: 10-15 minutes
  • Format: interactive