4320 Syllabus

Syllabus     Schedule    Projects   

English 4320 Syllabus

Office Hours:
Webex Room:
N/A (Online)
N/A (Online)
Dr. Baotong Gu
By appointment
Sun Trust Building, 25 Park Place, Suite 2433
404-413-5845 (O)

No official textbook is required for this course. However, for those of you who would like to have something as a reference, I recommend the following:

Oliu, Walter E., Charles T. Brusaw, and Gerald J. Alred. (2013). Writing That Works: Communicating Effectively on the Job. 11th ed. Boston, MA, and New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s. Print. (Recommended)

Course Goals
English 4320, Senior Seminar, is an advanced course in rhetoric and composition that helps you assess and hone your skills set geared toward your career development. It provides a chance for you to encapsulate your knowledge of rhetorical principles and ways to apply that knowledge in real-world communication situations.

In this course, we will critically re-examine, revise, and reflect on your current and past work. You’ll also create a portfolio that represents the best of your rhetorical skills for assessment as well as job search purposes. In addition, you will create a capstone project that best represents your professional credentials for the line of work in your chosen career direction.

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to demonstrate your ability to

  • Engage in critical thinking, writing, and analysis;
  • Revise and reflect on your rhetorical work;
  • Accurately assess any given rhetorical context with regard to the purposes; audiences, genres, platform, and mode of communication;
  • Conduct primary and secondary research;
  • Foster communication practices that demand a consideration of ethics;
  • Use technology effectively to serve the purposes of communication;
  • Advocate reader/user needs;
  • Create effective contexts for collaboration; and
  • Design effective visual as well as verbal communication.

The selling, sharing, publishing, presenting, or distributing of instructor-prepared course lecture notes, videos, audio recordings, or any other instructor-produced materials from any course for any commercial purpose is strictly prohibited unless explicit written permission is granted in advance by the course instructor. This includes posting any materials on websites such as Chegg, Course Hero, OneClass, Stuvia, StuDocu and other similar sites. Unauthorized sale or commercial distribution of such material is a violation of the instructor’s intellectual property and the privacy rights of students attending the class, and is prohibited. (This policy was approved by the GSU Faculty Senate on August 21, 2020.)

It is my intent that students from all diverse backgrounds and perspectives be well served by this course, that students’ learning needs be addressed both in and out of class, and that the diversity that students bring to this class be viewed as a resource, strength and benefit. It is my intent to present materials and activities that are respectful of all diversity including gender, sexuality, disability, age, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, race, and culture. Your comments (in the discussion posts and in person) related to the class and content will be encouraged and appreciated. Please let me know ways to improve the effectiveness of the course for you personally or for other students or student groups.

CTC Course
This course is a designated CTC (college-to-career) course. College to Careers (CTC), the new GSU Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), is a campus-wide effort to help students recognize and develop various career competencies during their undergraduate experience. Our course contains an assignment—the Capstone Project—designed to help develop your career competencies as outlined by the National Association of Colleges and Employers. Please upload the Capstone Project to your Portfolium account.

In addition, upload a two to three-page reflection on your experience with college-to-career material. Use following questions as guidelines:

  • Which aspects of the assignment helped you prepare you for the workplace?
  • What career skills did you use?
  • What strengths did the assignment help you to develop further?
  • What weaknesses did the assignment reveal?
  • What kinds of assignments or tasks would help you further develop your career competencies?

Late Assignments
No late assignments are accepted! Justification? At a workplace, try how many times you can miss a deadline without being talked to by your supervisor or getting fired. My 30+ years of teaching experience tells me most late work is of subpar or poor quality because they are often completed in haste due to a late start. Start early and give yourself enough time so that the work you turn in can represent your true capabilities. The only exception to this policy is if you have a debilitating injury or illness or very extenuating circumstances that render you incapable of doing school work. I reserve the right to make the final assessment whether your excuse for late turn-in is valid.

Assignment Turn-ins
Turn in all your assignments as email attachments to bgu@gsu.edu, unless you’re told otherwise.

The course work consists of reading and writing assignments. The reading assignments are indicated in the course schedule. The writing assignments consist of the following:

Reading Summaries (10%)
There will be various readings over the course of the semester, and you’ll write up a summary for each week’s readings.  

Career Competency Profile (10%)
This assignment requires you to identify your career goals, your skills/competency, evidence of your competency, and areas of improvement needed.  

Portfolio (30%)
As one of the requirements for graduation, you will create a portfolio in Chalk and Wire that represents your best works.

Critical Reflection for Portfolio (10%)
This will be a critical reflection that accompanies your portfolio. This reflection will not only analyze all the works you have included in your portfolio but also summarize the path you have taken in your growth as a writer and communicator.  

Capstone Project (CTC Assignment) (40%)
For this final project, you’ll either revise an existing/previous major piece of writing or professional project or design a new one that best represents your rhetorical skills and competency. Your project can be, for example, a pamphlet for the Career Services office, a grant application for a non-profit organization, a proposal, a web site for a company, some online documentation for a software program, a promotional packet for a startup, a business plan, a recommendations report for solving the communications problems for a company, etc. This project contains the following components:

  • A project proposal (5%)
  • The project (30%)
  • A CTC reflection (5%)

A passing grade for all the assignments is a prerequisite to, but not a guarantee for, passing the course. Observe the following rules closely:

  • You must complete all the major assignments. If you miss any of the projects, you will automatically fail the class.
  • Your reports and assignments should be presentable. If you hand in poorly proofread documents, they will be returned to you for correction before they are graded.
  • If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to find out the assignments you missed. An excused absence will not get you off the hook for a tardy assignment.
  • A Special Note: Submit your work on time. Late assignments are generally NOT accepted unless for extenuating circumstances. Work is considered late after class begins on the due date, unless noted otherwise. In cases where late work is accepted, there is a 10% grade reduction for each day your assignment is late.
  • All projects must be submitted electronically via email unless you’re instructed otherwise.

No plagiarism or any other forms of academic dishonesty will be tolerated in this class. Any plagiarism, as defined by GSU’s Policy on Academic Honesty (available online at http://www2.gsu.edu/~wwwdos/codeofconduct_conpol.html), will result in a grade of F at least for the assignment (and most likely an F for the entire course at the instructor’s discretion). In addition, all university policies related to academic honesty apply.

Your grades are converted as follows:

599 & below

Since your final course grade will be based predominantly on writing assignments and the grading of writing cannot be reduced to simple quantitative measures, I will grade your writing on a holistic basis. Each assignment will have specific grading criteria, which I will explain in class. Generally, however, the three general criteria below will be applied to all the major assignments:

How effectively does the document accomplish its intended task?

  • Does it meet its goals and the demands of its context (both academic and organizational)? Does it solve a problem or address a significant organizational need? help people?
  • Does it provide a sound argument in support if its claims?
  • Does it meet readers’ needs and expectations? Improve relations between people?
  • Does it provide relevant, useful, and accurate information?

How well constructed is the document?

  • Is the presentation of material orderly and coherent?
  • Is design and formatting effective?
  • Are the sentences grammatically correct?
  • Does it use visuals effectively?
  • Does it have a professional tone and style?

How effectively was the document produced?

  • Was the project well planned?
  • Were research and invention well conducted?
  • How did drafting, editing, proofreading go?
  • Was collaboration successful?

The following is a general description of expectations for assignments for each grade:
Your project is of impeccable (or almost impeccable) quality in both content and format design, with no major weaknesses in any area. It provides adequate information that users need and effectively fulfills the intended purposes. Presentation is of professional quality. There’re few to no mechanical errors.

Your project is of high quality in most of the major areas. It fulfills the user’s needs and your intended purposes quite effectively. Presentation is quite professional. There’re only a few mechanical errors.

Your project is of reasonable quality in most areas. It fulfills the user’s needs and your intended purposes to a large extent, although major deficiencies are observable. Presentation is of semi-professional quality. There’re some mechanical errors, but not to the extent of seriously affecting readers’ comprehension.

Your project is of acceptable quality in most areas. It fulfills the user’s needs and your intended purposes to some extent, but major deficiencies exist in several areas. Presentation quality is acceptable but low. There’re quite some mechanical errors.

Your project is unacceptable in quality. It does not fulfill the user’s needs or your intended purposes. Major deficiencies are observed in most areas. Presentation quality is poor, and there’re too many mechanical errors.

Contact Info
I strongly encourage you to communicate with me about any issues concerning this course. It doesn’t help for you to be confused or frustrated about certain aspects of the course without letting me know. At the same time, you have nothing to lose by communicating with me.

You can communicate with me through any of the following means:

  • Email—-Typically the most effective way to communicate with me is through email. I’ll respond as soon as I can. At the same time, please be aware that sometimes, especially on weekends, I may not be checking email as often as I do on week days. If you don’t get a response from me, including acknowledgement of your assignment turn-in, within a couple of days, feel free to send me an email reminder.
  • Cell Phone—For obvious reasons, I’m not going to publish my cell phone number here. Please refer to the syllabus I emailed you at the beginning of the semester. You’re more than welcome to call my cell phone during normal hours. You are encouraged to email me first , but if you don’t get an answer from me for a few hours, it’s a good idea to call me.
  • My Webex Room—For obvious reasons, I won’t be on campus much at all. If anybody would like a “meeting,” we can schedule a WebEx conference. Here’s my Webex room: https://gsumeetings.webex.com/meet/bgu.