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PEACH Print Layouts

Have you seen the revised print layouts in PEACH?  A concern for many of Georgia’s Pre-K teachers is amount of paper required to print lesson plans generated in PEACH.  A full week’s worth of lesson plans could take 41 pages

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Natural Resources Listserv

Camille Catlett at the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute at UNC – Chapel Hill manages and publishes a listserv called Natural Resources that includes excellent classroom resources for early childhood teachers.  (If you are unfamiliar, a listserv is like

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Erikson Institute Report on Technology and Young Children

Recently, the Erikson Institute released a summary report of a survey they conducted about the use of technology by children under age 6.  In this study of 1,000 parents, 85% reported that they allow their young children to use technology.

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American Academy of Pediatrics Announces New Recommendations for Children’s Media Use

Last week, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the nation’s largest group of pediatricians, announced new recommendations for media use by children and adolescents.  Among the recommendations is a shift in the Academy’s stance on screen time for children under 5.

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Brightspace Account Changes for 2016-17

The rollout of the Georgia Professional Development System prompted a change in the Brightspace log-in information for all of Georgia’s Pre-K teachers.  Teachers’ old Brightspace accounts may still be available so that they may access materials from trainings they attended

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