Using WSO Reports to Enhance Classroom Instruction

It’s January, and if you’re a PreK teacher, that probably means you’re teaching your students about snowmen, snowflakes, and Martin Luther King, Jr.  Perhaps you’re deep in an author study about Jan Brett who wrote The Mitten.  Curriculum guides, Pinterest, and The Mailbox provide many ideas for teachers of PreK students.

For teachers in a Georgia’s PreK classroom, you have another, rich source to help you plan lessons for your students: the Class Ratings and Class Profiles reports in Work Sampling Online.  When you add evidence to WSO regularly and generate these two reports, you gain a unique perspective on your students’ development that is useful for planning small group lessons.

Screen Shot 2015-01-19 at 2.15.05 PMBest Practices and Bright From the Start have created a Teacher Tips video that can help you analyze the data included in the Class Ratings and Class Profile reports.  The video also includes ideas of how you can use your analysis to help ensure that you maximize the potential of each of your students.

Follow the link to watch this video: Enhancing Instruction Using WSO Reports.

There are a number of other Teacher Tips videos and archived webinars available at the Bright From the Start website.  Some of them are related to Work Sampling Online.  Others are about specific topics like Making Sense of Numbers and Creative Development. All of them are packed with useful information.  Check out the full list here: PreK Webinars.


I train Georgia PreK teachers and dabble a bit in the art of blogging. Have an idea for a blog post? Email me at On the web: Facebook: Twitter: @bestpracticespk

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