Back in the summer, a number of us from the Best Practices team had the opportunity to attend an early childhood education conference in Salt Lake City.  We brought back many, wonderful things that we have been able to share …

Beginning Reads – Bringing Children into Reading Read more »

Meghan Welch is a PhD Fellow at Best Practices and has been with the team since 2011. Her areas of interest and study include child development, digital literacies, and issues of equitable access around participatory digital practices  Quite often, she …

Meet the Team – Meghan Welch Read more »

I always prided myself on my classroom and behavior management skills.  My students were generally well behaved; special area teachers (art, music, PE, etc) often told me my class was the best behaved of any that they taught.  Other teachers …

Behavior Management: Respect & Dignity Read more »