- Linguistic: referes to the use of language, spoken and written
- word choice
- the delivery of spoken or written text
- the organization of writing or speech into phrases, sentences, paragraphs, etc.
- the development and coherence of individual words and ideas
- Visual: refers to the use of images and other characteristics that readers see.
- color
- layout
- style
- size
- perspective
- Aural Mode: Focuses on sound
- music
- sound effects
- ambient noise/sounds
- silence
- tone of voice in spoken language
- volume of sound
- emphasis on accent
- Spatial Mode: Physical engagement (ux)
- arrangement
- organization
- proximity between people or object
- Gestural Mode: The way movement, such as body language can make meaning (face to face/face to screen)
- facial expressions
- hand gestures
- body language
- interaction between people
- Medium: The way in which your media reaches an audience
- Affordances: Different strength and weaknesses of media and modes
- affordances depend on how the mode is used and in what context
September 1, 2016