Content Strategy Draft:
The beginning of this project included a large audit of the website for The Center for Civic Innovation. When looking at how they have their site set up I noticed a few things that I feel could improve usability and possibly bring in new members and co-workers.
The first part of that is the look of the site itself. While the office is bright and energetic, the website can seem dark and flat. By bringing in their own color palette throughout the site, we believe that the goal of maintaining their brand from their space to their website will be more effectively realized.
A large part of the content strategy is the navigation of the site. From the beginning I believed that streamlining content would create a more open and user friendly site. An example of this is removing the “Our Space” page and moving it to the “About” page. But while the pages that deal with their Programs and Initiatives are thought out and easy to use, their pages that focus on themselves and their office space are not. This will be the priority of this redesign.
It is my/our goal to display more attractive images of their work space to entice more co-workers and potential members. I believe that by improving their revenue here, it will open them up to more and better civic work in the future. Another part of this, which may end up only being a suggestion, are images of the actual team. I think by creating a more inviting feel online, it will translate to more people in their actual space.
Below I have an example of the navigation as it currently stands. Kris will have some of this already implemented in her redesign deliverables. I think my improved navigation is easier to follow and understand, making their services and benefits easier to access as well. Since a stipulation of our project is that we don’t necessarily eliminate content, I feel I am creating a better way to view the content.
Top will be: About – Cowork – Membership – Programs – Initiatives – Blog
In About:
About Us
Our Space
Our Team
Our Partners
Join the Team
Host an Event
We don’t really need to change anything, but pictures here are a must
Join Us
Individual Membership
Organizational Membership
Sponsor CCI
About Civic Networks
Food Innovation Network
Civic Innovation Fellowship
Pitch Workshop
Social Studies
Events Calendar