Ethnographic research usually uses a map to orientate or direct readers
Pathology shares interest in both research and clinical practice
Green Grad Syndrome: Staccato oral delivery and disjointed writing style, oblivious of audience.
This is one of the main problems being addressed by the study. The writing/record keeping was created and intended for the creator. But often this information needed to be provided to not only other veterinarians, but clients and patients as well. There was a disconnect in style and audience that could have enhanced the value of the records kept.
Another main question of the study was whether medical research was indeed a form of literacy. Did there need to by an type style or uniformity?
Record keeping practices shape much of the socialization within these communities and their interaction with the rest of society.
– How the information is displayed will affect how the information is received by the intended and unintended audiences.
– This could be clients or other medical professionals.
Record making practices of social and medical agencies create a “documentary reality”
– In creating these records, the condition of the animals becomes a reality.
Records could therefore create facts.
Smith’s Perspective: Records not only constitute organizations but are also constituted by them and function as a mechanism of control.
Resemblances can exist between texts at levels of substance form and style.
RSO: Recurrent Significant Action
Genre is created
– Illuminates to outsiders their way of thinking/significance.
Genre is a frequently traveled path of getting symbolic action done either by an individual social action or a group
Stable systems cannot respond to changes in audience or circumstance.
– Genre is a sense order in a fluid symbolic environment.
Dialectical Reasoning: analytical reasoning that pursues knowledge and truth as long as there are questions and conflicts.
Genres are characterized by transformativity
Transformative: To change in form, appearance, structure and metamorphose
-Sense of complexity and creative contradiction.
Hegemony is not quite singular. It’s own internal structures are highly complex and have continually renewed, recreated and need to be defended; and can be challenged and modified.
– In reference to genre.
Genre as applied to language can differ by the person speaking it.
Medical records needed to be more readable, more scientific in effect more open to monitoring, evaluation and standardization than traditional records.
– One of the findings from the study.
– Since these records would be seen by many different people with varying degrees of knowledge, a standardization was necessary to create efficient communication.
Source Oriented Record System:
Review of symptoms
Physical exam
Followed by diagnosis
Some believed that SOR encouraged physicians to jump to diagnostic conclusions and ignore the complexity of the problems that could affect the patient.
– Only readable to the previous/original writer
– Led to confusion and mismanagement
Genre can facilitate social action
Records keeping is multi-modal
Addressivity is a genre’s quality of being directed at someone.
Each area of speech communication has it’s own typical conception of an addressee and this defines it as a genre.
The study found that the person recording the record was not as important as the record itself.
– Coordinated social action
POVMR was implemented in part to deal with complaints of a lack of professional standards within medical record keeping.
She concluded that GGS came from previous standards of literacy.
– Students were not exposed to enough genres
– Vets have to communicate with other clients and professionals.
– Lack of standards or genre created a language barrier between not only the patients but other doctors as well.