Module 1 Arithmetic

To learn the material in Module 1, first complete the Module 1 Highlights document. Then watch the following videos that contain worked examples.

The first video reviews real numbers, absolute value, and exponents. Print Module 1 Real Numbers to follow along with the video.

The second video reviews operations on fractions. Print Module 1 Fractions to follow along with the video.

The last video in this module reviews the order of operations, translations, and perimeter. Print Module 1 Order of Operations to follow along with the video.



  2. Need help. I want to practice; do some excercises… but where ?

    • Hi, let me know what types of problems you want to practice and I can direct you to some resources.

      • Negative numbers always get me. +,-,x, & / they all mess me up so I always get the number right but not always the positive or negative.

  3. Great teaching. Very clear and helpful and I am terrible at math. Thanks

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