Hue are you was our first project in class. We used 9 x 12 canvases to create a series of paintings using different technique to explore color and style in acrylic paintings. The first painting in this series was was done using a mix of burnt sienna and ultramarine to replicate black and white painting. The next two painting were done using the inverse colors of the objects. One of those two paintings were to be scumbled over with the correct shade of paint. The next painting was a collage. I used paint samples, black denim, and watercolor mica. The next painting was alla prima and impasto. I had the most fun exploring colors, and enjoyed the raised texture of this piece. The final painting we were allowed to paint however we wanted. I decided to work with colors that I enjoyed the most: dioxazine purple, yellow ochre, burnt sienna, and phthalo blue. This project was a great way to prep for future assignments.