Snippet Extra… Insecurities

From knowing our insecurities & wanting to be loved, we grew individually to become better, not perfect, but better.

We lived our lives separately, gaining our own knowledge and understanding of life around us.

Meeting different people to help shape and grow us along the way, to help define who it is, that we truly are.

Caring for others, because we see they don’t care for themselves.

We see the light, where as they see the dark.

Everything is starting to unfold and we know individually that it is okay.

Everything is okay.

2 thoughts on “Snippet Extra… Insecurities

  1. This was amazing! I related to this post a lot because I have a lot of insecurities and realize that other people have them too.

    • Yess LULU, I’m glad you can relate. We grow from them, so they’re necessary, we got this life thing lol yeahhhh!

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