Built Environment

how does the built of the environment of student housing affect the student?
Everyone thinks that living on campus has only benefits. Yes it does promote good grades, it does promote students to further their education to grad school, and yes it does support networking and meeting new people. However, it doesn’t tell you about the drugs, alcohol, the distractions, and the changes of social behavior you experience because of the psychological stress that is put on every student.

Student housing is considered home for a lot of students. Considering this year-long agreement home is a change from living with your parents. The benefits that students can receive from living on campus are pleasing to hear, and campuses sell itself when it come to student housing. However, people never really look deep into student dorms and see how they can negatively affect a student.

The built environment of student housing controls the student to an extent. Students are going to to want to party, socialize, and have fun with their peers. The effect that the built environment has is that it keeps these three activities going all day. Housing is a social environment and its very hard for the student to escape this.

Teenagers all have a serious problem when it comes to socializing. Some call it networking to sugar coat it. However, the parties, kickbacks, dining hall binges and lounge gets together aren’t productive to the student mind at all. If you attend GA state and take a minimum of 12 credit hours, then the facts remain the same. You have homework and studying to do at all times. The Way that student housings built gets in the way of this and can distract the student.

I high school; I realized something very important to me. Everything or most of the things you learn in high school is going to be forgotten, and that school itself is a competition to see who can overcome the challenges and be a great productive worker in society. People that don’t get their work done are going to be the people that drop out, find less paying jobs, and not make as much money in the work force as someone that stayed in school. Got their work done, got their degree, and then got a good job doing something that makes them a lot of money. The distractions that pop up in someone’s life can hinder someone from reaching their goals. Student housing and dorms itself is full of distractions and opportunities that can be either capitalized on or can be the death of someone’s future career.

In the built environment of student housing, The dorms are all really close to each other, To influence people to socialize and to have easy access to other people around you. Also, they make the dorms very tiny, to save money and so that the student won’t feel as comfortable staying in one room all day. No one will want to remain in a room that has only enough space to fit you, someone else, and a suit case. This aspect of the built environment makes people wan to leave their room and go out, which makes them open to distractions that are ready to take away from their education.



Sophia – how the built environment affects different mental states

How parks affect someone mentally and how effeciant and productive people are to hget work done with different environemnts.  How mental health goes into physical health and how they will feel wgen they are in different spaces. She will include numberds and data . How the built environemnt affects peoples mood.


feedback- talk more about how the bullt environment can ffect someones mental health whe they go into to other areas.

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