

Dear Mr. John Lewis,

This is McKenna Boler and I am a freshman at Georgia State University and my English 1101 class just had our final March book club meeting. Prior to this we read the last pages of the third book in the trilogy. In the last pages of this book it pretty much ties up everything and starts talking about the voting laws and bills passed because all of these peoples hard work and determination. The marches happen and it tells about Bloody Sunday and the terrible things that happened that day and it also tells about the march to Washington and MLK speaking. A very monumental and full circle but short part of the book was displayed when John Lewis had the opportunity of meeting Barack Obama. These pages made me feel hopeful for them in that the country was heading in the direction that they had been fighting for all along. It showed how full circle life can be and that if you work hard enough for something that might seem impossible, you can make it possible. The intent you had while writing these pages to me comes off as you trying to bring awareness to all that was done in the Civil Rights movement and what happened during the time and how it can relate to more recent times. To combat the issues presented in this book today we can learn from past mistakes and what’s happened and try to look at things from other people’s perspectives. 

Thank you, 

McKenna Boler

#washingtonmarch #johnlewis #civilrights


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