Second Year as a SIF

It feels great to return as a SIF. In my second year running, I’ve learned a lot about the program as a whole and about myself. Last year was our first year, and it was a learning experience for all of us. We learned fast that the objectives were fuzzy and we weren’t always sure of the end product. Our vision in the beginning never always match our results in the end, sometimes it would be better, other times it was just enough to get the job done. But I loved my experience as a SIF and it has helped me grow as a person as I’ve learned how to work better in groups, how to get my ideas noticed, and was finally able to be more professional in my verbal language. It took time, but I learned a lot along this journey.

And the journey still continues. Right now, I am working with Dylan and Ryan on our SIF website that will be published soon. We are also looking at ways to market the SIF program as a whole through our website and social media platforms like YouTube. Also, we are trying to work on the SIF public image and create a positive public relations with other organizations as SIF is all about collaboration.

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In addition, I continue to work on the famous SIF project, 3D Atlanta. I ordered the research collected from the research side into a database, originally created by Allie, and split it into decades and organized it accordingly, which is shown below. Allie and I plan to take this data and import it into a map system to create actual pinpoints that the modeling team can use to model specific locations for their blocks. It is the medium between the research and modeling sides.

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I will keep posting more about 3D Atlanta and the SIF website, so stay tuned to see more of my happenings as a SIF.

Til next time,
