For my space I chose my backyard back at home. I spend a lot of time out there even when the weather might be rough. Whether it’s just sitting outside and listening to music, shooting around on my hoop, or parking the car in the garage. It’s somewhere I enjoy, that is why I chose that as my space. 

Sometimes life can really get tough and we all love to find ways to help us cope with it. Some like to watch television, some like to eat but I like to go outside. After an intense/frustrating day I run to my backyard for some peace. I run to my room and grab my, falling apart, headphones. I go on my phone and I scroll through he hundreds of songs not sure what to listen to or what mood I want to be in. However, once I open my back door it doesn’t matter anymore.

Hit with rays of sun and fresh air, I was breathing the most magnificent air of my life. My heart races, eager to shoot around and my body ready to move around.  I pass by my car to get my ball and feel it sinking into my hand so I grab the pump and add some air to the basketball that’s on its last leg, and always remind myself to buy a new one, however never getting around to it.

As I look straight ahead, I see my fence in front of me with wires that I put up in order to prevent my ball from bouncing over. On my right is just a little grassy area we use to bring our dog out to, just sitting there now that no one really uses. On my left is my basketball hoop that’s just calling our my name with its peeling paint and faded backboard.  Running up and down, left and right on the concrete as I’m listening to my music and getting lost in my own world. On hot summer days getting tired and sweaty and on cold winter days, getting that warm feeling after running around. First, 30 minutes go by then an hour then two and before I know it I have been outside for over two hours. 

After a long session of playing ball, I sit on a little swinging bench all the way in the corner of our backyard. Tall, sturdy trees face in front of me like soldiers, piercing right at me. Their colors pop out like a painting, putting me in awe. The sky blue as the seas, with scattered clouds. Birds flying across going way high into one of the trees. Bees going around landing on just about everything including me. In the background hearing faint noises of my neighbor’s kids playing outside and cars driving by. As I sat there I enter my own world with my own thoughts as if nothing around me exits. Swinging back and forth while everything in front of me stays still and quiet as I watch it. 

It isn’t after 20 minutes I hear the door to my house open, footsteps coming from the garage and see my mom standing in front of me. She looks at me tired and exhausted after a long day too, and tells me to finally get inside for dinner. So I go inside to happily eat dinner with my family and leave everything behind for another day when I go to my space.  



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