Improving from here on out: Midterm Conference

Wednesday October 5th

Accommodations:-You can not get points for absent days, but they will not count against you. You can obtain those points through meetings, prep, and outside of class work. Also editing your blog and extra credit opportunities will help.


-Annotations are recorded on and will be be due on the assigned dates. Highlight key text, and break it down, or add notes. Your annotation should be around five paragraphs, broken up throughout the text, it is ok to create a header that you can refer back to for each key point.

Group Project:

-Working with a group has its challenges. Meetings can be arranged outside of class, as well as with Professor during office hours, and mornings (occasionally). Always take note and record what you discuss, or complete in terms of group work. Wether it be notes, drafts, or communication and post it here on your blog.

Class Prep:

-Remember that you can obtain points just by doing class prep, it is due by the beginning of class time and takes about 30min to complete. Any little points help


Meeting to discuss my progress, as well as the expectations that need to be met was an experience that helped me better understand what to revise, and complete moving forward. Considering further conferences, I feel I should come better prepared with more in depth questions, as well as materials to show/get approved. Knowing that there are ways to get additional points, and reiteration of how to complete annotations was helpful, and noted for the future. I enjoyed my experience holding a conference, and came to a better understanding of how they are held, and how to mentally prepare myself for them.


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