December 10

Professional Profile Reflection

One main purpose of tech writing is using multimodal communication in order to reach a variety of potential audiences. This professional profile serves as a tool for me to display my academic work and experience, work related experience, and also prove my potential as a future tech writer. Tech writing has evolved immensely from generic instruction manuals to now utilizing interdisciplinary skills. It’s not just about knowing how to read and write sophisticatedly or eloquently, but you also have to tune and hone your CIS skills as well. Relating this project to rhetoric, the key to success here is learning all the sides to tech writing and keeping up to date with all the latest tools in tech in order to be simply good at it.

This professional profile also serves as a way to display more academic work and writing skills. When I am searching for potential internships and job openings, one of the first requirements is “must have effective writing skills.” A lot of students who chose a technical career have a difficult time honing their writing skills because they were taught to memorize information and simply regurgitate it on an exam. I understand employers are looking for candidates with a variety of technical skill sets, but let’s not underestimate the value of a great writer. That is why I have linked my reflections throughout this class.

Posted December 10, 2016 by alozano3 in category Uncategorized

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