Animal Hybrid Destroying Your Nightmare

Title: Gloomy nightmare destroyer. GOAL: Explore Alternative Media Around the House. The first thing that came to my mind was a Bird. I absolutely love birds because I feel like flying is one of a super power that birds have. Watching a bird is so relaxing. They can sing. I chose multi colored veggies because … [Read more…]

Hodgepodge of ‘Failures’

Title: Hodgepodge of ‘Failures’ Medium: Graphite. Dimension: 11/ 14. Accomplishment: One hour timed drawing of non stop work without judgement. One thing I learned after this prompt is ” If you think good work is somehow synonymous with perfect work, you are headed for big trouble“. I drew some of the things that I am … [Read more…]

Compassion Poster:

My main concern of compassion assignment is for the people who are been trapped in exaggerated claims, such as rapid weight loss of more than 1 kg/week or improving health by “detoxification”, or even dangerous claims, such as highly restrictive and nutritionally unbalanced food choices leading to malnutrition or eating non-food items like cotton wool.