
Courses at Geogia State University, Department of Chemistry

CHEM 2100L

  • Fall 2024, Organic Laboratory I; Thursday, 3 pm – 8 pm, 362 PSC; Syllabus
  • The course has been divided into two parts. In the first part, students will isolate and purify compounds from natural products, such as tea leaves or nutmeg to learn different extraction techniques such as liquidliquid extraction and solidliquid extraction. Students will also have the opportunity to synthesize a compound. The compounds isolated will be purified by recrystallization, sublimation or distillation and characterized using spectroscopic techniques. In the second part, students will purify three unknown liquids (NEAT and BINARY mixture) by distillation. The BINARY distilled products will be analyzed using GasLiquid Chromatography (GC) to determine the purity. Spectroscopic techniques such as infrared spectroscopy (IR), and mass spectrometry (MS) will be implemented to assist in the identification of the unknown structures. Students will learn the fundamental principles behind each technique and master how to interpret spectra in the assignment of their unknown organic structures. Also, students will learn how to write a scientific laboratory report which would be graded.
  • Organic Chemistry Lab Techniques by Lisa Nichols free download