Got Beef?

Taenia Saginata


As we come to the end of learning about our wonderful “beefy” friend, I wanted to share with you all an article I found that gives us insight on the infection caused by Taenia saginata.  Before we get our feet wet, some key words to note are as listed: cysticercus – a larval tapeworm at…

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Phylogeny: Beef, Pork and… Asia?

More than 100 species have been recorded in the genus Taenia. Species of Taenia are among the most characteristic tapeworms infecting carnivores and humans as definitive hosts. Phylogenetic Tree of Taenia Genus. (Ohiolei et al.) The picture above is a phylogenetic tree of the genus Taenia. Very exciting stuff, folks! A similarity that this genus…

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Anatomy and Physiology

      Taenia Saginata, or as we all are now familiar with, “the beef tapeworm”, has a very unique morphology. This means its size, shape and structure is special.       The image above depicts a few parts of the beef tapeworm. The parts that are named above are the Strobila, neck, scolex, suckers,…

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Beef Turkey

Welcome to cooking class! Just kidding! Oops, did I write turkey? I meant tapeworm. Yes, you read that right. Beef Tapeworm.  Taenia saginata, commonly known as the beef tapeworm, is an intestinal parasite (Wong). To be specific, it can be found in the small intestine of humans ( “Taenia Saginata”). Humans are infected by this parasite…

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