Image result for dna gifThis approach of psychology deals with our body, organs, genetics, hormones and other physical elements that affect our behavior. For instance, defect in brain’s structure might influence or mind’s initial workings leading to abnormal behavior. It is the only approach in psychology that examines thoughts, feelings, and behaviors from a biological and thus physical point of view. Therefore, all that is psychological is first physiological.

Precisely, Biological approach of psychology focuses on the central nervous system and the brain. Our neural working and sensory systems affect our mood and behavior. When we are tired, stressed, depressed or on medication these physical conditions also determine our outlook, perception, feels, thoughts, decision making and problem solving capabilities. Neurons carries the sensory nerves and motor nerves through axons and transmitting by synapses. Sympathetic, Parasympathetic, and Endocrine system are claimed to play a ital role in these processes.

It is also interesting how psychoactive drugs like depressants ( alcohol and opiates), stimulants ( caffeine and nicotine), and hallucinogens (marijuana and LSD) works on our whole body processing perform differently than how it does normally. Such experiments of consumption shows the effect of biological change on our behavior.  It is highly fascinating how our body and mind works parallel to each other in single entity. We also established different regions of the brain working separately on their specialized tasks in controlling behavior.

Recently, there have been researches done on the twins who possess same genetic material but have different cultural impacts termed as  Genotype and Phenotype. They are claimed to be afraid and attracted to similar things even though have different characteristics.These twins are captured react similarly on situations given.

There are many speculations on the Placebo theory which refers to the reaction of sugar tablets thinking of it as actual medicines. People tend to feel better even though have not consumed real healing tablets.

            Impacts on Science and Society


  • Abnormal behavior caused by biological disturbance or defect can be determined by scientific machines like MRI, fMRI, CT, EEG etc.
  • Psychological problems can be cured by drugs and medication.
  • We can have better understanding of genetics and personality.
  • Know that separate regions of the brain control different activities and behavior.

                        Weaknesses of BIOLOGICAL APPROACH

  • According to Ghaemi’s model, Biological psychology’s limitations are as follows:
  1. Conceptually inconsistent of the relationship between mind and body.
  2. Can confuse between treatment and etiology.
  3. Presumes psychiatric superiority to other mental health disciplines.
  4. Based on narrow concepts of biology.
  • Too much liniency is given to people on the basis of their biological, genetical, hormonal defects.

           A Brief Video Summing up the Above Content