Bristol, Higgins India ink, Crow quill pen, watercolor pencils, watercolor, acrylics
My sequential narrative is about portraying a superhero with my features, traits, ancestry and passions in a scene from her life as a superhero. My superhero likes to bring healing through art, to troubled people from all walks of life. She believes art and creativity are underrated and undervalued in the mental and emotional but also physical health realm, and her goal is to gain a deep understanding of peoples situations, using her superpowers, and connect people with a creative lifestyle most conducive to them,. Self care is of utmost importance to my hero and she recharges by napping and connecting with elements of nature in various locations around the world, including India, the country of my ancestors.
This work was difficult for me to get started on because of my fear of story-telling, but once I started working on the storyboard with my Bristol, it started to flow, which felt great. I had family members who worked with ink nibs in my past and this process really took me back to that as well as reminded me of my grandfather who was a great storyteller. It also took me back to the comic books I had read as a child. The storyboarding resource shared by McDermot (shared by Prof. Alembik) was incredibly helpful