Collage: Chickpeas, black beans, flower/wire motifs, neon fabric, photograph of scarf, twine, my watercolor painting of flags
My self portrait collage was based on a prompt to introduce ourselves to the class. I have not collaged prior to this in many years and enjoyed the process. Prof Lisa emphasizes using meaningful material and draw from the environment around us and our whole lives, and using these tenets was new to me! But I knew in that moment that this class was going to challenge me for the better.

The land art I created was based on a prompt inspired by the work of Andy Goldsworthy. I have always found immense value in making art with the “original” work of art, the world that we live in… the patterns, lighting, material that constantly change and how that will play out in our work. So this project resonated with me deeply. I decorated the roots of a favorite tree in my backyard, as I love trees and the root system fascinates me. The roots are rarely the focal point however, and so I enjoyed turning focus to the roots.

Micron Sketch
Hodgepodge of Failures was all about drawing what we were most afraid to draw. For me its definitely anything realistic, particularly a living being, so I chose to focus on faces. The idea was to draw what we avoid drawing the most, and keep doing it until we know we have learned more and change our relationship with drawing that particular thing.