Yes, as the title suggests, this is a late night blog.

I see that I work best at night when it’s quiet and the creativity just flows out of me. It reaches critical mass once I start giggling at things for no reason. I’m a weird person…

Anyways, back to business.

CURVE had it’s big grand opening on Wednesday, and I was there to see the initiation of the ceremony. It was cool, and I met some people thinking about how the technologies would help them. Many of them were either into the advanced mapping technologies or the bioware things that showed proteins.

What I have been working on this week are two things: three.js and the Tools Wiki.

Three.js is a Javascript API that focuses on bringing 3D elements to any web browser. Examples here: . Pretty cool right? Everyone has been wanting something for that 4K workstation, so I thought this would be a perfect fit. For interactivity, I plan on manipulating the code to give the mouse position on each of the renders, which will be cool but also take up some resources.

The Tools Wiki is another project I’m working on with other people at CURVE. I can’t say I’m having a little bit of trouble getting off the ground. Since wikis are supposed to be on the Internet on a server somewhere for easy access and edit ability, there is little “base code” available for small, local wikis. However, I am researching as I go, so I might find something worthwhile to report soon.

The Tools Wiki Team has already outlined basic function and information in which we hope compile more of with new technologies found in CURVE. We should be getting close to our next meeting sometime this month, and I am confident we can find the information we need to complete the Wiki.

I think that’s it for me. All the stuff I’ve talked about is interesting, but bringing actual usefulness would need more than just a couple cool sites to bring it to life.

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