Monthly Archives: August 2014

Tuning in to an annoying guy near you…

FINALLLY!!!!! My first word on this blog. I wasn’t familiar to the extraordinary tool of EduBlogs, but now I know how to do stuff. I guess there is a learning CURVE to anything you do in life. (See what I did there?) Anyways, I guess a few introductions are worthy for me. I’ll make a bullet-point list here so you don’t have to read through a whole bunch of text.

List of Awesomeness

  • Born n’ raised in Lawrenceville, Georgia. Ethnically, I am from a little country called Bangladesh. My parents resided there for most of their childhood.
  • Some people I have met say I have a certain Southern accent, but I do not see it. :/
  • I am a really good fan of cats, but dogs are fine too as long as I know them. If I’m passing a dog on the street and they start barking at me I will bark back some timessss….. I also have two parakeets.
  • I know a lot of things about a wide variety of subjects. When I was around 10 I decided I wanted to have a “polyjob” in which I would just sit at a desk all day and answer people’s question about anything. I guess the equivalent of that in the real world is getting multiple degrees, which I intend to do. 😀 YAY WORK AND PAIN AND FINANCIAL SUICIDE!!!!!
  • Strangely, also at 10 years old, my aspiration was to become a worker at Kroger… I had humble aspirations as a child.
  • HTML/CSS are some of the “programming languages” I know. I also know a lot of Java, a little Python (actually one of my courses this semester), and not much SQL or PHP but I am a fast learner.
  • I am intensely interested in 3D Modeling with Maya Software. I’m currently going through the courses at Lynda. I know a little bit of how some video software works like After Effects, Edge Animate, and Premiere Pro, but I’m hoping to get really into it by taking those Lynda courses and attending workshops at GSU.
  • Let’s close with a barrage of interesting facts/conversation starters: My great-great grandfather was apparently a mystic because he could move water, I read a lot of military literature, fan of Shakespeare (so you know, there’s that), somewhat paranoid (If I could remove any evidence of my presence I would), and I am interested in politics, and anything old (like pocket watches and bow hunting).

So there’s that I suppose. Ask me for anything more you need to know about me. I hope I can learn a lot more here at CURVE as well as GSU.

Oh yeah, one more thing. While I have listed a lot of strengths above, I also have some weaknesses. No one is without imperfections. I think my worst imperfections would probably be my lack of social skills. I could never be the “Salesman” of Malcolm Gladwell’s book, The Tipping Point. I’m working on it though. We will see as things go along.

Ho dang, class is in 10. Well, I’d better go. Hopefully, this post will go through. Got a lot of things to do at CURVE. I got some ideas I’ll post later.

EDIT: Wow, never mind I have no idea how to work this thing yet. I thought I published it when I was at CURVE. :/ Ah well…looking for inspiration now….