Let African Americans vote! #JohnLewis #March

Dear Mr. Lewis,

While reading pages 100-173 in your book, MARCH, many things disturbed me. Irate is a word that would describe how I feel towards the information I retained from the story. As I read, I thought to myself, how can people in this world be so cruel and violent? Especially if that group of people have not done anything wrong to deserve those actions towards them.

The biggest issue in this book is racism and discrimination of African Americans. Still, the main problem that is getting fought for through council meetings, protests, and actual fights is the fact that African Americans are not allowed to vote. White people are doing everything in their power to keep this from happening. If it involves violence, they go down that route to try to keep things the way they are, and that is segregated and discriminated against. Several courageous black citizens in the SCLC organization were injured from baseball bats, punches from white fists, and other weapons due to trying to stand up for their rights. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X gave the black race someone to look up to with their leadership trough these tough times with speeches to large amounts of people about voting rights as well.

Hand coming out of ground https://www.123rf.com/photo_85126124_hand-coming-out-of-ground-as-concept-for-never-give-up.html

There was an instance where the white population turned violence into murder. Manslaughter of three African American lives. The three bodies were found with a bulldozer, and they were buried in the ground of Neshoba County. We are currently living in 2019, and this type of stuff does not go on anymore in terms of voting rights, thankfully. There is still racism, discrimination, and segregation, though. We, as a nation, need to unite together and treat each other with respect no matter what color our skin is. It should not matter if you are even blue; a human is a human.



Michael Hayes

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