All men should be treated equally! #MARCH #JohnLewis

Dear Mr. Lewis,

As I read the comic strips and looked at the vivid drawings in pages 25-99 in the book, MARCH, by John Lewis, anger was still the outmost feeling that I felt. As I flipped through the pages, what stood out to me the most was the fact that African Americans were not allowed to vote. They all had to form together and fight for their right to get into the registration lines. One way they did this was by creating a group called the SNCC. Furthermore, even after that happened, there was no guarantee they would get their vote in because the white people working the registration, would purposely give each one of them a hard time and drastically slow down the process.

In the pages I read, most of the story took place in Mississippi. I cannot wrap my head around the fact that our nation is so racist and discriminatory. The white police officers would not let the black people, who had been standing in the hot sunlight for hours, get out of the registration voting lines for food, water, or even to use the bathroom. A couple of African Americans that got successfully through the line, left and bought food and water for the people still waiting. As a result of that, the white police officers beat the suppliers with baseball bats and destroyed the food and water. The SNCC group that was formed decided they would no longer stand for this type of stuff anymore. They had onehundred plus people on staff, along with three hundred plus students that showed up for the first week of their training. The purpose of this group was to get younger African American’s voices heard. I think this is a great movement that was established!



Michael Hayes

White police officer

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