Where Gone with the Wild was Written



Additional Info on Images

According to the tour guide at the Margaret Mitchell House, Margaret wrote the majority of Gone With the Wind perched in this sunny window seat. Margaret was very secretive about her creative writing and kept the unfinished story to herself. Given this fact, she actually kept a towel (as seen in the latter photo) and a book with her at all times so she could quickly throw the towel over the typewriter if she heard someone approaching and pretend to simply be reading the latest novel of her preference.

Built Environment Analysis Titles


Summary of Analysis

I plan to write my analysis questioning whether or not Atlanta is a good place to raise children by pointing out the contrasts between Atlanta’s rich cultural history and it’s publicly known safety problems. The original photo seen above summarizes the struggles many parents face raising children in Atlanta due to the easy access living in the city provides to take part in harmful drug usage, organized violence, and other illegal activities. I hope I will be able to use my own experience of being raised in Atlanta to provide a more personal and detailed view on this issue.


Potential Paper Titles

  • Turning Atlanta into a Family-Friendly Neighborhood
  • Is Inner-City Atlanta a Safe Place to Raise Children?
  • Does Living in the City Set Children Up for Failure?
    • Does Living in Atlanta Set Children Up for Failure?
  • The Pros and Cons of Growing up in Atlanta
  • Growing up Inner City Atlanta
  • Growing up in the Built Environment of Atlanta