Old Fourth Ward is a historic district in Atlanta that contains parks, neighborhoods, and businesses. This page is dedicated to finding and curating research based on identifying the occurrence of gentrification in and surrounding the district.

Has the potential occurrence of gentrification perhaps caused differences in economic growth, artistic development, and demographics in Old Fourth Ward? 

T. Old Fourth Ward has changed demographically throughout the years and now serves as a historical area that includes multiple neighborhoods, parks, and businesses for citizens to visit and populate.

I. Gentrification in the area may have occurred in order to populate the area as well as attract more businesses, and increase positive economic and environmental growth.

A. What might be some present and past demographic statistics of Old Fourth Ward?

B. Does the community seem to be growing in a positive direction?

C. What kind of businesses and neighborhoods are found in this area?

II. Historical events that were perhaps considered dangerous to the community in the past caused the on-bringing of gentrification, and molded what is considered Old Fourth Ward today.

A. What is a historical timeline of events that may have occurred in Old Fourth Ward?

B. What is the current overall condition of the built environment and economic standing of businesses in Old Fourth Ward today?

C. What are the general opinions that tourists and residents have of the Old Fourth Ward while visiting and populating the area?


List of Key Terms

Old Fourth Ward

Atlanta history

Old Fourth Ward history




economic standing


built environment





