~ your friendly, neighborhood city girl ~

Month September 2016

Does the Design of the GSU Courtyard Encourage Unity?

“Located in the heart of Atlanta”, Georgia State University contains an area that exists in the center of several classroom buildings and the GSU library. It is called the Unity Plaza, and everyday on my way to class I see… Continue Reading →

Observing Design and Linguistic Text

September 28, 2016 A lexicon is a list of key terms. It is a philosophical move in tagging key terms, and a rhetorical act. From the Scholl and Guwaldi readings, lexicons may be listed as: Landscape Nature Animals “Attentional Resources”… Continue Reading →

architectural exclusion: a summary

In Parts I and II of Sarah Schindler’s article, “Architectural Exclusion: Discrimination and Segregation Through Physical Design of the Built Environment”, she addresses two main focal points. In Part I, she acknowledges the literature and history that “discusses infrastructure placement… Continue Reading →

color craze: graffiti and art on the beltline

The Atlanta Beltline was an idea originally conceived in 1999 by Georgia Tech student Ryan Gravel. Since then, it has evolved into an artists’ platform, a highly visited tourist spot, and has become an “integrated approach towards transportation (1)” in Atlanta…. Continue Reading →

hipster hideaway: a personal adventure on atlanta’s beltline bike trail

On Saturday, September 10, 2016, I walked for what seemed to be miles to make it to the Atlanta Beltline biking trail. Upon arrival, beads of sweat were gathering in my t-zone, I was a bit winded, and it was… Continue Reading →

Class Notes – Friday, 9/7

Summarize Schindler’s article, rather than “being” Schindler Write in present (MLA) or past tense (APA) consistently UNIT 1 Assignments due 9/15: Summary (Schindler, Parts 1 and 2) Personal Site Response (subjective) Multi-modal; bringing together different modes of communication Linguistic, Aural,… Continue Reading →

Practice Summary, Hope and Victoria

Section B, Architecture as Architecture in Legal Scholarship: Racialized Space and Place, Briefly Schindler speaks on how the characteristics of a person of certain race and class can determine the limitations they may have in their community. It is hard to prove… Continue Reading →

Glossary 8/31-9/2

Claim: A statement put forth as true that needs evidence to be convincing. Thesis: The main claim of an argument. Primary Research: Gathering data yourself. Secondary Research: Reporting and using data others have gathered.

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