Located on 464 Moreland Ave NE in Atlanta, Junkman’s Daughter is a one-of-a-kind store. Walking into the store, I was immediately greeted by employees that were just as eccentric as the store they worked in. I was absolutely dazzled. Everywhere I looked there was a color just as vibrant as the next. The bold pink and the dark shades of purple and blue all stood out. Music was playing in the background, some some with a funky beat, and people were looking around (quite possibly as dazzled as I was). I wasn’t sure what to take pictures of or what to observe. I simply pulled out my phone and took note of everything, snapping dozens of photos.


There didn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason for the layout of Junkman’s Daughter or the contents of the store. There were aisles for people to walk through, but there existed clusters of clothing and other items. It didn’t seem like there was any one places for the dresses, the shirts, and the pants. Everything had its own place in the odd mix. Just as the placement of items was an odd mix, Junkman’s Daughter seemed to attract a mix of people. It felt like a store for anyone and everyone. There was no set style of clothing, no specific type of clothing, and not even only clothing was sold there. I took everything in with reckless abandon. The name of the store definitely fit. It was “junk” all gathered in one place. It was the hidden treasure of Junkman’s Daughter. Very rarely did I have to squeeze between racks, and if I did so it was only to get a closer look at whatever object had caught my attention. I was often pulled toward the wigs of every color lining shelves and the odd masks as well.

JD9     JD11

Junkman’s Daughter seemed to encompass everything for everyone. It was an environment anyone could feel welcome in. The store isn’t catered to one specific group of people and so there wasn’t any specific group of people shopping at the store. The store fits perfectly into Atlanta and is a representation of the diverse culture here.
