About the project: Taking a single sheet of printer paper and transforming it into a sculpture with the help of cutting instruments, adhesive, and very small amounts of white thread or wire. This project is about exploring the process and creation of art using non-traditional supplies.
My process: I imagined all the things I could create with paper, the possibilities available were limited, but still vast. I found my footing by telling a story.
Spring 2022
Materials: Single sheet of printer paper, double sided tape, rubber cement, white thread
Inspiration: The first piece of a project of the possibilities of a single sheet of printer paper. I started with exploration of the paper, ripping, and twisting, with no idea yet and a tree began to take shape. As I filled out the tree with foliage and detritus a story was discovered.
Spring 2022
Materials: Single sheet of printer paper, double sided tape, rubber cement, wire, white thread
Inspiration: As a hobby seamstress one of my first thoughts on this project was to make a dress. In continuing on with my fantasy adventure theme I designed an adventuring dress thinking not only of traditional tropes in media but also of varying the textures like the pleated over-skirt.
Spring 2022
Materials: Single sheet of printer paper
Inspiration: I had ideas of many things to make but at this point I was struggling somewhat with continuing my theme, or even what else to do. I wanted to try something a bit more abstract and less intricate and trekking mountains is something adventurers do.
Spring 2022
Materials: Single sheet of printer paper, double sided tape,
Inspiration: In this story I built up in my head around these sculptures there is a fountain where a significant event takes place. I was unable to do justice to the majestic fountain I wanted to create, however, I did succeed in creating movement of water.
Spring 2022
Materials: Single sheet of printer paper, double sided tape, white thread
Inspiration: Things an adventurer may need: a sword, a shield, a money pouch, and sturdy boots. I began with a sword, and progressed to a shield but I still had so much leftover paper I came up with the boots and money pouch.
Spring 2022
Materials: Single sheet of printer paper, double sided tape, white glue mixture
Inspiration: Where would an adventurer go for their supplies? On their journey and getting to a new city of course they would see what the local market had to offer. I envisioned a colorful outdoor market with a variety of goods.
Spring 2022
Materials: Single sheet of printer paper, double sided tape, white glue mixture, white thread
Inspiration: Not a traditional fantasy transportation but I had the idea of wanting to try some paper mache aspect, which is how the balloon is molded. If there is magic in a fantasy world, then surely there can be hot air balloons as well-even if they are not common ways to travel.
Spring 2022
Materials: Single sheet of printer paper, double sided tape
Inspiration: A castle with a town surrounding it and fields of crops to sustain them. In creating a city and castle I still had paper left over and instead of creating more towers or buildings I decided to think of what would be outside that town. All those people will have trade but they will also need plenty of food at home so I looked at inspiration for farms and wheat fields.