Spring 2022
Materials: A single sheet of printer paper, double sided tape
About the project: Taking a single sheet of printer paper and transforming it into a sculpture with the help of cutting instruments, adhesive, and very small amounts of white thread or wire. This project is about exploring the process and creation of art using non-traditional supplies.
My process: I imagined all the things I could create with paper, the possibilities available were limited, but still vast. I found my footing by telling a story.
Inspiration: This was the first paper sculpture I completed. I started with just tearing apart a piece of paper and twisting it without thinking much about what the final composition might be. About half way through I decided it began looking like a tree so I made the leaves and attached them with thread, and made grass and rocks out of leftovers. I made a worn sign to hang from a branch because I thought it would be an interesting point to tell a story.