We all know college can be a good or a bad experience, depending on how you approach it. One common problem that a handful of college students run in to is how to study. Studying is an art and therefore it takes practice to perfect it. Understanding your brain and how it works would help guide you in a general direction of good studying practices. This brings me to the topic of Neuroplasticity (also known as brain plasticity) and growth mindset.
According to study.com, Neuroplasticity is the ability for the brain to constantly change depending on an individual’s practices or habits. On the other hand, growth mindset is basically accepting the fact that you control your own brain therefore, you’re in charge of your destiny. As a student, understanding the logic behind neuroplasticity and growth mindset is a key tool when approaching the college life. According to Henry Ford, “A man who thinks he can and a man who thinks he can’t are both usually right.” Speak your success into existence and you will reap the benefits.
Now, it’s also very important to understand that all brains are not the same, therefore, when it boils down to studying, every one studies according to their own comfort. The more you understand this as a student, the less you’ll judge yourself academically. Personally, I keep all distractions away when I study; ie. phones, TV, music etc.
Regardless, though, you should try what ever works for you. It’s very easy to become indulged in music or tv shows, which is why I think having distractions is a bad idea. Maybe you were studying with distractions, so now try it without distractions and you may see a result in your successes.